Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dear C Monkey

Dear C Monkey,
Today we put you in the hands of a surgeon. A surgeon we have chosen to help save your life. I hope you know this has in no way been an easy decision for your Dad & I to make. Please know that we would put ourselves on that table if we could. This will most likely be the single hardest day of our life. The hardest part, other than knowing if we have made the right decision, is how all of this is going to turn out. I watched you sleep last night & prayed for God to have his hands on you when I can't.

Today, when the hours go by & we pray the Dr will be able to help you, I will be thinking of:

the day you were born & what a surprise that head full of hair was

The first time you smiled.

What a happy baby you always were in the morning.

How excited you get for all of your favorite toys.

The cute "bounce" you do as you walk around the house.

All of the hugs & smiles that have melted my heart over the past 5 years.

The way you have wrapped me around your finger since the day you were born.

I will leave you on that OR table & pray we experience even better times because of this choice we have made.

I love you with all my heart C Monkey, I am so lucky to be your mommy! I will ALWAYS be here for you!